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Cover page of the novel, close to the end by Ashraf ul Alam Shikder

.... Makluqut redden in bewilderment, saying ‘sorry, sorry’ in high-pitch and apologize manner to overwhelming my voice, as if I am cursing him. And I stop to adage any more.

You guess me wrong.

He offer me a stick of my brand, for which I came down here from my fifth floor flat without lift, I fired to smoke and he said, ‘No, my estimation was:’ Makluquar briefs, ‘without writing or reading fantasy or novel how a man can smoke about two packets, mean forty cigarettes a day! And I saw a Laptop computer with you. So I Guess, you must be a Journalist.’

Smoking his gift, I answered coolly, `no I am a writer.’

Writer, then what you write? ....


.... Makluqut redden in bewilderment, saying ‘sorry, sorry’ in high-pitch and apologize manner to overwhelming my voice, as if I am cursing him. And I stop to adage any more.

You guess me wrong.

He offer me a stick of my brand, for which I came down here from my fifth floor flat without lift, I fired to smoke and he said, ‘No, my estimation was:’ Makluquar briefs, ‘without writing or reading fantasy or novel how a man can smoke about two packets, mean forty cigarettes a day! And I saw a Laptop computer with you. So I Guess, you must be a Journalist.’

Smoking his gift, I answered coolly, `no I am a writer.’

Writer, then what you write? ....

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